4 / 5 and 4 / 5.. hmm these drums sound suspiciously like vengeance essential dubstep and trap essentials. hmmmmm
4 / 5 and 4 / 5.. hmm these drums sound suspiciously like vengeance essential dubstep and trap essentials. hmmmmm
Thanks man. About the drums...i don't understand what you mean with "vengeance essential dubstep and trap essentials" but if you mean some presets pack i can't say to you the pack and the presets that i used in the song in this moment, but yes... I used some presets like any other little musician :D
Dope. but i feel your snare is a little lacking.
ok :)
pretty sick. i like the guitar tone.
Thank you :)
I like what you have man but i think you should work on your instruments. the triangle is killing it man (not in a good way). if you fix the percussion, drums and take out that triangle it'll be a hell of a lot better. 4/ 5. 3.5 / 5.
I think this is really cool. although i would work on drum compression as you cant really hear your kick drum etc until the break. also gets kinda repetitive. but the intro is solid dude.
Thanks man, I'll take notes about the drums ^^
great framework you have here. your main synth is a bit louder than the rest and the kick could use better compression. but i like your arrangement. (i'm not hating just trying to give good constructive criticism).
Thanks for your feedback ^^ I take notes =)
sounds great but not sure how this is dark?? i think the chips make it sound too upbeat if you were going for dark.
Thanks! Well i'd say its pretty dark with the low bass pads and growls in the seond drop.
sounds sick. Am I detecting chromatics :o?
Thank you! <3
nice and chill.
Joined on 2/27/08